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李真 b.1963 天池 Li Chen Heavenly Pond
香港 北京时间
2023年04月06日 开拍
銅雕 版數:1/8
款識 藝術家鈐印 Li Chen 1/8 (背面中區)2008(背面底部) 出版(不同版數) 2008年,《李真——尋找精神的空間:中國美術館個展》,亞洲藝術中心,台北,第188頁 2012年,《李真——大氣︰李真台灣大型雕塑首展》,亞洲藝術中心,台北,第169頁
來源 台北亞洲藝術中心 現亞洲私人藏家直接購自上述來源 附:亞洲藝術中心開立之作品證書 凡俗與超俗的完美結合 李真「大氣神遊」系列經典 「李真在造型上表現出一種將凡俗與超俗結合在一起的樣式,佛教人物也擁有世俗生活的形態,神情與細節,由此讓人們感覺到他們與人世間情感的接近,形象自然而然具有雙重內涵。」 ——中國美術館館長范迪安 1963年出生的李真,為知名的華人雕塑家。其早年自雕刻傳統佛像入門,後突破藩籬,融入自身對於道教及佛教的參悟與個人化的想像和當代精神,創造出令人耳目一新又極具共鳴的可親之作。1999年,李真脫胎換骨的個性化雕塑首次於其台北個展「虛空中的能量」曝光,引起轟動,其後接連在北京中國美術館、新加坡國家美術館、西雅圖弗來伊美術館等重要美術機構發表個展,並且成為2007年威尼斯雙年展中,首位以個人名義受邀舉辦個展的華人藝術家。 李真的雕塑歷程是一種現代性的進化,從90年代開始,他已展露現代造型的意識,塑造出表面細膩光滑、玄黑透亮的標誌性漆飾雕塑。到2000年後則更加灑脫不羈,其創作以儒釋道傳統文化作為內核,但造型更加極簡幽默。他將道教中「悠遊於天地」的概念、強調氣韻的能量化為己用,創造出自2001年持續至今、最為膾炙人口的「大氣神遊」系列。是次春拍帶來的《天池》即為其中特出一作。 銀輝璀璨的佛緣寶地,如雲似霧的神聖天池 「在我的作品上會看到一種單純性,一種返璞歸真,樂在其中,充滿拙味、很自然流露的魅力,就像小孩子一樣純淨無邪。」 ——李真 《天池》的靈感源於李真對自然湖泊的感知,不論是家鄉清澈靜美的日月潭、亦或從飛機上往下望所見如寶石般鑲嵌在山林原野的湖泊,都令他無限嚮往。而另一方面在佛教傳說中,優美聖潔的「天池」為菩薩、金剛所修煉的道場,被認為是佛緣寶地,身為虔誠佛教徒的他,自然將此概念引入創作。在其雕塑《天池》中可見三座紋理細膩的靈山環繞著池水,滿溢的湖水如同蒸騰的雲氣,儼然已超脫凡間山水,步入神性世界。李真以獨創的「按銀」技法為池水鍍銀,翻滾的波濤之間折射出銀白的透亮光暈,與黑漆銅雕的主體相互折射,產生玄妙的對比。而作為「神跡」的立佛,在此被轉化為一個淘氣的小孩,怡然自得地自水中現身。 赤子之心,大鵬之志 值得關注的是,李真在《天池》裡融入了比此前之作更多人體寫實美的要素,富含大量人性的彰顯。如人物舒展的胸腔微微隆起,而腹部由於自然呼吸向內收縮,整體呈現如波浪起伏的優雅曲線,塑造柔軟流動的豐盈感。其右手向上延展、左手平伸,手指圓潤純稚,厚實的右手臂幾乎與半個身軀等寬,矗立在天地間如同擎天一柱,充滿力量感;又像《逍遙遊》中「背若泰山,翼若垂天之雲」的大鵬,隨時將振翅高飛。此對於身體局部誇張性的放大,可達到上下重心平衡的效果,使得本身沉重的銅質媒材生發出「向上漂浮」的輕盈感,是李真標誌性「既重又輕」視覺印象,使作品和諧生動若渾然天成。而人物的下頜由於伸臂之姿自然地向胸膛傾斜,擠壓出可愛的肉感臉頰,圓潤豐滿的嘴唇微啟,而雙目微閉,既莊重又如小憩的孩童一般閒適,既具佛相又具人相。此外,作品背部呈現李真首次對於人體臀部的寫實描繪,自然的臀部曲線半隱半現地融入身下波浪,既彰顯天然人體與生俱來的優美,又展現了一絲可愛與俏皮。主角若無惱無憂地矗立於天地之間,超然遠舉。李真以充滿溫情的人性細節造就強大的感染力,調動觀者悠然自得的情緒,傳遞空明之境中平靜愜意的享受,令人讚嘆!
Bronze sculpture Edition: 1/8
85 × 57 × 49.5 cm.33 1/2 × 22 1/2 × 19 1/2 in.
Executed in 2008
Incised with artist's seal, signed in English and numbered on the middle of the backside; dated on the bottom of the backside LITERATURE (different edition) 2008, Li Chen: In Search of Spiritual Space 2008 Solo Exhibition at National Art Museum of China, Asia Art Center, Taipei, p. 188 2012, Greatness of Spirit: Li Chen Premiere Sculpture Exhibition in Taiwan, Asia Art Center, Taipei, p.169
PROVENANCE Asia Arts Center, Taipei Acquired directly by present private Asian collector from the above This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by Asia Arts Center, Taipei Harmonious Combination of Secular and Spiritual Li Chen’s Work from His Classical Series——Spiritual Journey Through the Great Ether Born in 1963, Li Chen is a famous Chinese sculptor. He began with carving traditional Buddha statues in the early stage of his artistic career, and groundbreakingly added his individualized imagination and contemporary spirits to the following pioneering works. In 1999, Li Chen’s personalized sculptures were first exposed in his solo exhibition Energy of Emptiness in Taipei which caused a great sensation. After Taipei, Li Chen has successively held solo exhibitions at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing, the National Gallery of Singapore, the Frye Art Museum in Seattle, and other important art institutions. Additionally, he became the first Chinese artist invited to hold a solo exhibition at the Venice Biennale in 2007. Li Chen’s sculpturing history is a progress of modernization. He has shown his consciousness of modern modelling to create sculptures with delicate, smooth, dark and bright surfaces since the 1990s. After 2000, he presented a more deliberate and relaxing attitude and made more minimalist and humorous works. Simultaneously, he combined the Taoist philosophy of “wandering between the sky and earth” with the sculptures to emphasize the power of “qiyun”, or conceptions. The application is embodied in his most famous Spiritual Journey Through the Great Ether series, which is continuing since 2001. Heavenly Pond, presented at this spring auction, is one in the series. Silver and Brilliant Buddha Wonderland, Holy Heavenly Pond in Clouds and Fogs The inspiration for Heavenly Pond originates from Li Chen’s perception of natural ponds. Either the clear and silent Sun Moon Lake in his hometown or the waters like diamonds when he looks down from the planes will appeal to the artist. On the other hand, the elegant and holy heavenly pond is the practice place for Boddhisatva and Buddha’s guardian warriors, a treasurable wonderland in the Buddhist culture. As a sincere Buddhist, Li naturally introduces this concept into his creation. In Heavenly Pond, three spiritual mountains with clear and exquisite textures surround the holy pond. The overflowing water seems like steaming clouds bringing the whole atmosphere away from the secular landscape and into the divine realm. Li Chen applied his original technique of pasting silver foil by hand to construct the pond water, with the rolling waves reflecting the transparent halo, which mirrors the main body carved by the black lacquer copper. The standing Buddha as the “miracle” is, however, transformed into a naughty child and appears happy in the water. As Innocent as a Child, as Ambitious as the Peng Li Chen incorporated more realistic human body elements in Heavenly Pond compared to his previous work. Specifically, the lines of the figure’s chest bulge as it stretches while shrink at the abdomen to suggest the motion of natural breathing. The whole outline shows an elegant curve like water waves. Regarding the figure’s gesture, he lifts his right hand with the left hand extending flat, and his strong right arm is almost half the width of his body, seeming like the sky pillar full of power, and also the Peng bird in Daoism book Wandering in Absolute Freedom. Li’s exaggerated enlargement of part of the body makes the heavy copper medium produce the lightness of floating upward, forming Li’s signature visual impression of “both heavy and light”. Moreover, the character’s lower jaw tilts towards his chest, squeezing out the lovely and fleshy cheeks. His plump lips are slightly open, while his eyes are closed, seeming solemn and relaxed like a child, and delivering the expression of Buddha and human. Last but not least, the back of the sculpture first reveals Li Chen’s realistic description of human buttocks, manifesting not only the natural beauty of the human body but also the cuteness and playfulness. Li Chen establishes the infectious power of art through warm and humanistic details, arousing the viewers’ relaxed and leisurely moods and delivering the enjoyment of serenity in the world of ease and brightness.


  • 竞价阶梯
  • 快递物流
  • 拍卖规则
  • 支付方式
竞价区间 加价幅度
2,000 5,000 8,000
20,000 50,000 80,000
200,000 500,000 800,000


拍品估价:600,000 - 900,000 港币 起拍价格:600,000 港币  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 5,000,000 20.00%
5,000,000 - 20,000,000 17.00%
20,000,000 - 以上 14.00%


地址: 中国香港金鐘道89號力寶中心一座五樓
电话: 852-28152269
邮编: 10000