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熊秉明 1922-2002 立馬 Hsiung Ping-Ming Standing Horse
香港 北京时间
2023年04月06日 开拍
銅雕 版數:7/8
款識 PING MING 7/8 59-66 Landowski fondeur鑄造廠鈐印 1998(底座) 出版 1995年,《熊秉明雕塑集:空間的剪裁與時間的焊接》,飛元藝術中心,台北,第14至15頁 1999年,《遠行與回歸——熊秉明的藝術》,國立歷史博物館,台北,第26至27頁(另一版數) 1999年,《中國當代藝術選集(6):熊秉明》,山美術館,高雄,第57頁(另一版數)
展覽 1995年12月9日至31日,「熊秉明:空間的剪裁與時間的焊接」,飛元藝術中心,台北 1999年10月15日至11月7日,「遠行與回歸——熊秉明的藝術」,國立歷史博物館,台北(另一版數) 2010年5月1日至30日,「極?靜?真?放?陳夏雨、熊秉明、夏陽雕塑展」,誠品畫廊,台北(另一版數) 2014年9月20日至11月1日,「托情與寄性」,大趨勢畫廊,台北(另一版數) 2019年11月23日至12月15日,「自知者明——熊秉明藝術展」,中國美術館,北京(另一版數) 來源 台北飛元藝術中心 現亞洲私人藏家直接購自藝術家本人 附:台北飛元藝術中心開立之藝術家親簽作品證書 鍛造現實與靈魂的不屈面貌 熊秉明言說戎馬壯志的精魄之作《立馬》 「雕刻是藝術家表現個人或群體生存意志的最好憑藉。」 ——熊秉明 哲學與美學、思維與想像是熊秉明生命中兩道永恆的活泉,多年涵詠於其間,令他始終保持對存在主義、人文精神的追索,並深探書法、繪畫、文學等東西方涵養。自西南聯大哲學系畢業後,熊秉明於1947年考取公費留法獎學金,進入巴黎大學哲學系攻讀博士。在藝術之都,羅丹(Auguste?Rodin)浪漫主義的雕塑令他神往,浸淫其中,他自言得大徹大悟:「我懂得了什麼是雕刻,什麼是雕刻的極峰。哲學追求一個存在的意義,而作造型藝術要把這意義塑造成一個存在的形象」、「好的雕刻本身就是哲學!」他毅然從哲學的理論課堂走出,奔赴雕塑家紀蒙(Gimond)的工作室求教深研,經由孜孜不倦的創作,他將哲學的內在思考和藝術的外顯造形高妙結合,終而在雕塑創作中,迸發出無與倫比的火花,成就其藝精魂。 從早期追慕羅丹,到1954年創造第一件鐵雕《嚎叫的狼》,熊秉明逐步走向現代雕塑的抽象形式,卻始終守著一份對生命存在意志的思考。「誠然,在埃及、希臘雕刻之前,在羅丹、布爾代勒(Antoine Bourdelle)之前,我不能不感動,但是見了漢代的石牛石馬、北魏的佛、南朝的墓獅,我覺得靈魂受到另一種激盪,我的根還在中國,那是我的故鄉。」於是,1960年後,東方的孺子牛、駱駝、立馬成為他展現「存在主義」哲學的重要課題,經由反復的手捏和塑造,他錘煉出飽滿又剛毅、古典又現代的作品,在三維空間中揉塑而出高亢又細膩的詩歌,走向新的藝術境界。 嶙峋之骨,豐盈之魂 創作於1959至1966年的銅雕《立馬》歷時7年方完成,熊秉明沉著構思,塑造了一匹頎長骨勁的戎馬。其四肢直立,昂首挺胸,短尾平翹,背上無鞍無轡,若具自由意志。環狀空心的馬嘴,巧妙打造透空的變化關係,似亨利?摩爾(Henry Moore)般打破靜態的軀殼,在虛與實之間做出延伸,訴說著堅實的內在。觀其一身錚錚鐵骨,佈滿捏塑的痕跡,仿若飽經滄桑、歷經麈世風雲的老戰馬,獨立於天地之中,卻仍懷有「老驥伏櫪、志在千里。烈士暮年,壯心不已」的砥礪之志。 而若細看馬身,兩側身軀竟呈現截然不同的面貌,右側敦厚飽滿,如唐三彩中那骨肉亭勻的勁健駿馬,滿載快走踏山河的雄心壯志;而左側身軀精幹硉兀,展現為歲月所磨平的瘦骨,卻依然鏗鏘有力。在凹與凸的塑造間,熊秉明由內而外,塑造著倨傲磅礡的生命力量。他將東方傳統的大氣、俊美,融入西式的凝練、變化。作品彷彿是現實與靈魂的對照,將一份堅毅與一份雄渾,傾入眼前這匹質樸卻傲然獨立的老戰馬,無論肉體如何嶙峋,無論生命歷盡滄桑,靈魂卻永久豐盈,意志亦堅定存在。而正如雕塑家賈科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)所言「藝術的目的不是再現現實,而是創造出同等震撼力的全新現實」。立於東西方的雙向維度,熊秉明銘刻著古老東方的戰馬精神,並將這份對存在意志的叩問,秉心錘煉於不朽的靈魂塊面之中,塑造著不凡的藝術美學力量。
Bronze Sculpture Edition: 7/8
54 × 56 × 24 cm. 21 1/4 × 22 × 9 1/2 in.
Executed from 1959 to 1966
Signed in English, numbered, credited and dated on the base LITERATURE 1995, P.M. Hsiung: Cutting of Space and Welding of Time, Fairmate Art Gallery, Taipei, p.14-15 1999, An Odyssey Abroad and Back – Hsiung Ping-ming’s Art, National Museum of History, Taipei, p. 26-27 (different edition) 1999, Contemporary Chinese Art Collection 6: Hsiung Ping-Ming, Mountain Art Museum, Kaohsiung, p. 57 (different edition)
EXHIBITED 9 – 31 Dec 1995, P.M. Hsiung: Cutting of Space and Welding of Time, Fairmate Art Gallery, Taipei 15 Oct – 7 Nov 1999, An Odyssey Abroad and Back – Hsiung Ping-ming’s Art, National Museum of History, Taipei (different edition) 1 – 30 May 2010, Perfection?Serenity?Substance?Unrestraint? Chen Hsia-Yu, Hsiung Ping-Ming, Hsia Yan Sculpture Exhibition, Eslite Gallery, Taipei (different edition) 20 Sep – 1 Nov 2014, Hsiung Ping-Ming: A Retrospective, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei (different edition) 23 Nov – 15 Dec 2019, The Journey of Defining Yourself – Art Exhibition of Hsiung Ping-Ming, National Art Museum of China, Beijing (different edition) PROVENANCE Farmate Art Gallery, Taipei Acquired directly by present private Asian collector from the artist This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist issued by Fairmate Art Gallery, Taipei Forging the Unyielding Face of Reality and Spirit: Hsiung Ping-Ming’s Testament to the Lofty Spirit of a War Horse - Standing Horse In 1947, Hsiung Ping-Ming attended the Department of Philosophy at the University de Paris. However, living in the art capital of the world, he was soon enchanted by the romantic sculptures of Auguste?Rodin and decided to leave his philosophical studies behind, choosing instead to study in the workshop of sculpture Marcel Gimond. After working tirelessly, Hsiung was ingeniously able to combine the inner reflections of philosophy with the outward appearance of art in his sculptures, which became reflections of unparalleled creativity. From his early following of Rodin to the creation of his first geometric iron sculpture Howling Wolf in 1954, Hsiung gradually embraced the abstract forms of modern sculpture, though his reflections on the will to existence in life never stopped: “Certainly, standing before Egyptian and Greek sculptures, before Rodin and Antoine Bourdelle, I couldn’t help but be moved, but when I saw Han Dynasty stone bulls and stone horses, Northern Wei Dynasty Buddhas and cemetery lions from the Southern Dynasties my soul was stirred in an altogether different way, because my roots are still in China, that is my home”. As a result, from 1960 Hsiung began to focus on Eastern oxen, camels and standing horses as vehicles to showcase the importance of “existentialist” philosophy. Through the process of repetitive kneading and shaping with his fingers he created works that were at once rounded and steely, classical and modern, as he moved onto a new artistic plane. Jagged Bones, Fulsome Soul The bronze sculpture Standing Horse was created from 1959-1966 and took the artist seven years to complete. In this piece, Hsiung Ping-Ming creates a slender but tough looking war horse. The beast is stood upright, its head held high, chest puffed out and short tail extended horizontally, with no saddle or bridle, as if imbued with free will. The circular, hollowed out mouth of the horse ingeniously creates an open-work area that changes the relationship reminiscent of the way in which Henry Moore breaks through static external forms, extending between reality and virtuality in an allusion to a substantial inner world. As we view the firm and unyielding body of the horse covered with kneading marks, it is as if despite experiencing the vicissitudes of life this old war horse still possesses the devoted heart of an old steed with a thousand li in its legs. If we look carefully at the body of the horse, the two ends of the animal are completely different. The right side is rounded and plump and brings to mind the evenly proportioned sturdy animals of Tang tri-coloured glaze pottery. In contrast, the left of the horse is lean and shows the animal as skin and bones, worn down by the passing of years. The work appears to contrast reality and spirit, imbuing this simple but proudly independent old war horse with a sense of resolution and vigor. Hsiung Ping-Ming crafts the spirit of a war horse from Eastern antiquity by blending the compact nature and change inherent in Western art with the atmosphere and refinement of Eastern tradition. Moreover, in addressing this inquiry into existential will, the artist seemingly asserts that regardless how decrepit the body becomes the spirit is forever full and rich.


  • 竞价阶梯
  • 快递物流
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竞价区间 加价幅度
2,000 5,000 8,000
20,000 50,000 80,000
200,000 500,000 800,000


拍品估价:600,000 - 800,000 港币 起拍价格:600,000 港币  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 5,000,000 20.00%
5,000,000 - 20,000,000 17.00%
20,000,000 - 以上 14.00%


地址: 中国香港金鐘道89號力寶中心一座五樓
电话: 852-28152269
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