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沉香觀音雕件 10克 The agarwood ornament carved on the surface with Guanyin in the center, wearing flowing robe and holding a ruyi scepter, the agarwood retains natural color, grain, and aroma, weighs approximately 10 grams. Length: 2 7/8 in (7.3 cm) Weight: 10.2g 沉香觀音雕件,取碩大海南沉香中的上品材料黃油格為原料,沉香本是佛門至寶,屬正陽之物,有通三界的美譽。沉香結香殊為不易,黃油格更屬沉香中的上品,清正典雅. 沉香巧雕觀音,雕刻技術嫺熟,觀音面目慈祥。沉香飄來陣陣清香,耐人尋味。