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沉香彌羅雕件 6.55克 The agarwood ornament carved on the surface with Maitreya Buddha, also known as Milefo, seated and holding a large bowl and sack with smiling expression, the agarwood retains natural color, grain, and aroma, weighs approximately 6.55 grams. Length: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm) Weight: 6.6g 彌勒多為坐像,立姿佛像非常少見,此像全部用沉香製成,臉部表情豐富,十分傳神,將大腹便便的彌勒佛那悠閒自得、隨遇而安的神情刻畫得淋漓盡致。此件作品雕刻精細,刀法嫺熟,線條自然流暢,為木刻圓雕作品中的佳作。