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沉香彌羅雕件 4.16克 The agarwood ornament carved on the surface with Maitreya Buddha, also known as Milefo, standing with smiling expression, the agarwood retains natural color, grain, and aroma, weighs approximately 4.16 grams. Length: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm) Weight: 4.2g 彌勒佛是世尊釋迦牟尼佛的繼任者其龐大思想體系由無著菩薩、世親菩薩闡釋弘揚,深受中國大乘佛教大師支謙、道安和玄奘的推崇。 在一些漢傳佛教的寺院裡,常見到的大肚彌勒(或大肚比丘)以布袋和尚為原型塑造。此在佛教作為表法教育,表示“量大福大”,提醒世人學習包容。