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耀州窯執壺 帶蓋 The Yaozhou ware wine ewer is of bulbous form, the long spout and handles attached to the neck and body, glazed overall in celadon and covered in crackle patterns, top lid mounted with mythical beast finial. Height: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Width: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 耀州窯瓷器刀法犀利,線條剛勁有力,刀痕有斜度,俗稱“半刀泥”,是宋代刻花技法中最優秀者。此壺腹部以爽勁的線條刻劃桃型紋飾。壺帶獅鈕蓋,整體端莊大方,保存完好。