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元 磁州窯鐵銹花盞托? The Cizhou ware tea cup set includes a tea cup and a raised saucer, each glazed in patterned deep black and brown with visible streaks, bottom unglazed. Yuan Dynasty period. Bowl Diameter: 3 1/8 in (7.9 cm) Stand Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) 磁州窯系乃北方最大一民窯體系,該系窯廠遍佈河南、河北、山西。尤以河南為多且早。該窯系歷史可追溯至唐代。此盞胎體厚重質樸,敞口微撇,弧腹深鬥,底承圈足附盞托,足胎白褐,飾以黑釉,盞內外壁皆有鐵銹斑,整器造型渾厚大氣。