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耀州窯執壺 The Yaozhou ware wine ewer is of long and slender form with bulbous body, the long spout and handles attached to the neck and body, glazed overall in celadon and covered in crackle patterns. Height: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Width: 7 in (17.8 cm) 壺口蒜頭,束頸,豐肩,圓腹下收,圈足,細長的管狀流起於左側肩部,流口大致與壺口沿平,扁條形曲形執柄起於右側肩部,上與頸部連接,通體施略微發綠的溫潤晶瑩的青色釉,器身弦紋飾,紋飾簡略,刀法嫺熟,工藝精湛。