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大清乾隆年製款 青花題詩字紋茶杯 The blue and white cup set includes the tea cup and saucer, each written with poetry calligraphy, interior depicts pine trees, bottom bears six character QIANLONG reign mark. Height: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Diameter: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) 青花茶杯,杯口微外撇、弧壁、圈足、平底。下承半圓形杯托。杯身及托都繪有青花紋飾:杯與蓋的內外壁口沿處皆繪一周外青花裡白釉的如意雲頭紋作裝飾帶,腹部提詩,杯心青花雙圈內繪花卉紋。杯與杯托底部皆有青花“大清乾隆年製”六字三行篆書款。此器造型規整,釉質瑩潤,青花發色淡雅,是乾隆年間的佳品。葫蘆瓶,瓶呈上小下大的葫蘆形,小口,束頸,細腰,圈足平底。胎骨輕盈,胎質緻密堅硬。通體施白釉,釉色光潤。瓶身繪青花祥雲紋和礬紅彩蝙蝠紋飾,不僅紋飾佈局舒朗、大方,還有洪福齊天的美好寓意。足底少量的有火石紅,足內底有青花“大清宣統年製”六字二行楷書款。 |