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清乾隆 青花燭臺一對 The pair of candle holders rises from countersunk base to waisted center, supporting wide drip pan, pear shaped neck, and flaring rim, with long needle on top, body painted in blue and white with scrolling flower bands, lappet bands, lotus petal bands, and more, bottom bears circular four character QIANLONG reign mark. Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) 燭臺分為三段燒造,拼接而成,有大中小三層託盤。上層為燈盞託盤,放置蠟燭所用,體量最小;中層為蠟盤,內外口沿分飾纏枝花卉紋,中心圍繞一周蓮瓣紋;下層託盤為器座,體量最大,上繪紋飾多層,分別為纏枝花卉與卷草紋。整器造型極富韻律節奏之美,設計極為精心,工藝尤為考究,紋飾複雜細膩,其繁縟程度正體現出乾隆時期瓷器裝飾的典型特徵。且燭臺胎質潔白緻密,青花發色豔麗沉穩,為乾隆官窯精細之作。燭臺底落“乾隆年製”雙圈十字形篆書款,且篆法特殊,較為罕見。