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大明嘉靖年製款 青花雲龍紋大缸 The large blue and white jardiniere depicts flying five-claw dragon amidst flaming clouds on the exterior, below six character JIAJING reign mark, bottom unglazed. Height: 12 1/2 in (31.8 cm) Diameter: 22 1/2 in (57.1 cm) 此大缸體重圓碩,唇口,深弧腹,下斂,瓷質堅硬,釉質肥厚,青花料發色深沉,腹部上下各有兩道弦紋,其間通壁繪二龍圖案,巨龍五爪似鷹,勾爪鋒利,雙角似鹿,朝天聳立,雙目圓睜,張口露齒,毛髮橫飛,祥雲環繞,四肢剛勁,矯健威猛,二龍首尾呼應,遒勁靈動,充滿張力。口沿處以青花書“大明嘉靖年製”款,字體古樸端正,為嘉靖官窯所產名品。整器繪製濃淡有致,栩栩如生,畫風古拙,氣勢宏偉,頗具皇家氣勢,在傳世品中亦屬罕見,具有極高的欣賞收藏價值。