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大清光緒年製款 青花海水紋碗 The blue and white bowl is of conical form, the body depicts flying dragons and mythical beasts over ocean waves, bottom bears six character GUANGXU reign mark. Height: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) Diameter: 8 1/4 in (21.0 cm) 侈口,弧壁,圈足。胎體較厚,胎質細膩緻密。內壁施白釉,碗心繪青花海水團龍紋;外壁滿飾青花紋飾,口沿處繪回紋一周,腹部繪海水神獸紋,足壁繪城牆紋作裝飾帶。足底有:青花“大清光緒年製”六字二行楷書款。此器造型規整,青花發色深沉,是不多得的佳器。 |