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清康熙 青花山水人物筆筒? Of wide cylindrical form, the blue and white brush pot stands on three stub feet, body depicts a scholar and attendant walking across a bridge from mountains to the village, with birds, clouds, trees, river, and houses around them. Height: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm) Diameter: 6 in (15.2 cm) 筒直腹,口底相若,器型規整。胎質堅實細膩,釉質瑩潤。外壁青花飾山水人物紋,呈雅致的翠藍色,層次分明,繪畫細膩。整體畫面構圖疏朗有致,濃淡層次豐富,層巒重疊,崇山峻嶺,山環水繞,石橋渡口,茅亭村戶掩映其間,人物如閑雲野鶴,情態悠然,仿佛一幅展開的水墨畫卷。若陳設于案頭,風雅至極。