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大清宣統年製款 青花釉裡紅八仙過海紋碗 The blue and white bowl depicts the Eight Immortals traveling across underglazed red ocean waves, center bears similar motif, bottom bears six character XUANTONG reign mark. Height: 3 3/4 in (9.5 cm) Diameter: 9 in (22.9 cm) 此碗敦式造型,雋秀典雅,碗身外壁繪“八仙過海”圖,以青花描繪八仙,各持法器,足踩靈物,姿態各異,生動傳神,其間釉裡紅彩繪海浪紋為地,浪花滾滾,波濤澎湃;碗心繪“旭日東海”圖,海水波濤中繪壽星老者持杖站立,杖懸葫蘆,仙鹿偎依,祥雲繚繞,有福祿壽之吉祥寓意。畫面疏朗有致,筆法細膩入微,藍紅雙彩對比強烈,亮麗絢爛,極具清代宣統官窯製器之嚴謹風範,實為不易。底書“大清宣統年製”六字雙行青花楷書款。