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永樂年製款 青花雲林主人題赤璧賦碗 The bowl's exterior painted with travelers on boat traversing through the river, the other side with Chinese long poem "Chi Bi Fu", the interior with two scrolling patterns enclosing four character "YONGLE" mark, and the bottom unglazed. Height: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) Diameter: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 此碗一面精繪絕壁懸松下,漁家駐舟回望,蘇東坡、黃庭堅與佛印三人乘船賞月,其船首火爐烹茶,船尾漁家夫婦合力撐舟,船中桌案上食盒杯箸羅列,細節交代一絲不苟。另面青花楷書《後赤壁賦》全文,書寫工整,尾落雙方框“降霞”印章款。全器胎質白淨,白釉細潤,青花發色純正豔麗,書畫合璧,氣息高雅。底落“永樂年製”款,是一件具有觀賞價值的器物。