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影青瓷觀音像 The figure depicts Avalokitesvara seated on a raised lotus throne pad, dressed in decorative bead necklace, crown, and draped cloth, eyes open with serene expression, glazed overall in light celadon yingqing color, with crackle patterns, bottom unglazed. Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) Diameter: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) 此觀音頭戴花冠,臉夾豐潤,廣額豐頤,臉相慈祥和藹,身穿通肩大衣,敞襟廣袖,胸部及下身皆綴瓔珞,裝飾十分繁褥。通體施影青釉,結跏趺端坐,雙手於腹前結禪定印,姿態自然,整體造型完美,釉面渾潤,製作精細。