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白釉瓷荷花童子枕 The porcelain pillow depicts a child resting on top of plants, sleeping sideways, mounted with a curved rest on top, glazed overall in white and covered in celadon patterns. Height: 5 4/5 in (14.7 cm) Length: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm) 瓷枕既是古人們不可或缺的實用品,也是反映歷史文化、風土人情的藝術品。至隋唐起,中華大地各路名窯均有燒製,其中最為珍貴的當屬定窯瓷枕。白瓷荷花童子枕為模製與手工做成,童子坐臥于枕面下,體態豐腴、憨態可掬,蓮葉及童子刻有花紋,工藝精湛,具有較高的藝術水準。