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德化窯白瓷觀音童子像 The Dehua blanc de chine figure depicts Guanyin seated on pedestal above raging ocean in lalitasana, hands holding a ruyi scepter, downcast gaze at a young boy standing next to her, the porcelain is of yellowish-white color tone, artist signature and mark He Chaozong on the back. Height: 17 2/5 in (44.2 cm) Width: 9 in (22.9 cm) 坐像釉色呈象牙白色,素靜殊常。觀音跣足坐于洞石之上,神情端莊慈祥,似在俯覽塵世眾生,身側豎立石台,上置香爐。觀音低首垂目,身披長袍,儀態柔美端莊,略帶微笑,神情慈祥恬靜。左手持如意,與右手交疊置於右膝上,身體微向右偏轉,而目光向前俯瞰,呈現出女性特有的柔美婀娜。洞石嶙峋,衣紋飄逸,雕刻自然生動,質感強烈,顯示了極高的工藝水準。釉色清亮潤澤,令人賞心悅目。