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大清乾隆年製 仿定窯白瓷雕夔龍紋雙耳瓶 The vase is of globular form, stands on splayed foot ring, body carved with scrolling and intertwined phoenix, dragons, flowers, and vines, below a long and straight neck, mounted with two openwork carved beast handles, bottom bears six character QIANLONG reign mark. Height: 14 in (35.6 cm) Diameter: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm) 此瓶造型典雅,線條優美,夔龍為耳,裝飾繁密,自上而下分佈著九層紋飾,主題紋飾為夔龍紋,均以淺浮雕手法表現,工致殊常,所施白釉滋潤瑩厚,更襯映出剔雕之妙。為乾隆仿定窯釉色之佳作,夔龍紋之繁複雕法與乾隆宮廷紫檀工與玉器工有頗多相似之處,刻工難度極大。底款刻“大清乾隆年製”六字官款。