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大清乾隆年製 歌窯石榴尊 In the shape of the pomegranate fruit, the globular Longquan war zun glazed in light celadon with crackleware patterns, bottom bears six character QIANLONG mark. Height: 3 1/4 in (8.3 cm) Diameter: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) 本品籍石榴尊生動之形態,令古色倍添神韻。通體施仿哥窯青釉,圈足可見紫鐵之色。釉色淡雅,如一汪湖水,淡泊寧靜。開片“鐵線”與‘金絲’交織成趣,錯落有致,耐人尋味。細細觀之,本品在呈現禦窯技藝的極致之餘,亦頗具文人儒雅氣息,於掌中推敲玩味,雅趣無窮。縱觀各朝之石榴尊,以雍正一朝最為秀致,正如本品,五瓣花口外卷,短束頸,鼓腹渾圓,猶如飽滿多子的果實,寓意“多子多孫,榴開百子”,造型規整,秀致可人,最是突顯瓷器輕巧俊秀、典雅精緻的風格。底青花書“大清乾隆年製”篆書款,