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宋 龍泉窯堆塑金魚紋盤 The Longquan ware plate has lobed exterior, the interior decorated with two swimming fish, glazed overall in celadon and covered in crackle patterns, bottom partially glazed. Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Diameter: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 敞口,平沿,弧腹。通體施青釉,釉較厚。圈足呈朱紅色。盤心貼有首尾相向兩條魚紋,形象生動。外壁印有蓮瓣紋,瓣脊凸起,瓣周用細線勾出蓮瓣輪廓,簡潔素雅。雙魚乃漢代器物常見的裝飾,龍泉窯結合自身特點加以運用,燒製了大量模印雙魚紋器皿,其中尤以雙魚盤最多,因“魚”與“餘”諧音,故將魚賦予“年年有餘”的吉祥含義。