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宋 越窯秘色瓷海棠小碟 The small dish lobed in six parts similar to flower on the exterior, with floriform edges, impressed in the center with two mythical birds within rounded, glazed overall in brownish-celadon color tone, five point burn mark on the bottom, includes wooden box. Height: 1 4/5 in (4.6 cm) Diameter: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) 此碗敞口微撇,器口作六處等距內凹,形成花口之狀,每凹口下按壓一條內凸外凹的隆起棱線,形似盛開蓮花,深腹,腹壁圓弧內收,圈足較高。胎體薄且規整,胎色灰白,細膩堅硬。通體施青釉,釉層輕薄勻淨,青綠光亮,淡雅怡人。器底及圈足亦施滿釉,圈足內留有墊燒痕跡。外壁素面,內底底心以細線刻劃雙鳳紋,線條細膩清晰,此越窯刻花碗做工精妙,歷經千年仍清新可人,富貴吉祥寓意,實為難得之珍品。