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宋 定窯白釉葉萱草紋盤一對 The pair of dishes each carved in the center with flower blossom, glazed overall in cream white color tone, rim partially glazed. Height: 1/2 in (1.3 cm) Diameter: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm) 盤為淺式,唇口,腰部圓折,下承小圈足,足牆較窄、內壁斜削,整體線條勻稱秀美。胎潔白細膩,薄而堅硬。通體施宋金定窯典型的象牙白色釉,瑩潤柔和。內壁刻劃折枝卷葉萱草紋,線條流暢,舒卷自如,紋飾由底心延伸至周壁,圖案佈局較尋常僅裝飾於底心者更顯飽滿大氣。圈足底刮釉露胎,可見裝燒工藝為坯件口朝上裝入匣缽正燒,而非北宋中晚期大量使用的芒口覆燒法。此盤造型雋秀,線條乾淨俐落,萱草刻劃簡練生動,為北宋定窯最具代表性的紋飾,此對保存實屬難得。