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宋 龍泉窯雙耳瓶 The Longquan ware bottle vase has a cylindrical body, rises to waisted slim neck, below evert rim, two stylized handles attached to the side, body glazed in celadon and covered in crackle patterns. Height: 8 3/4 in (22.2 cm) Diameter: 4 in (10.2 cm) 小盤口,長直頸,折肩,直腹,圈足。頸部兩側各置一鳳耳。灰白色胎,通體施青釉,釉面有開片紋,釉色青翠瑩潤。宋時的龍泉青瓷特別講究釉的色調,在厚釉失透的情況下,刻劃花裝飾已不適用,取而代之的是堆塑和浮雕技法。鳳耳瓶中的鳳耳就是用堆塑的方法製作,從而成為龍泉青瓷最有特點的裝飾之一。此瓶以典雅的風韻、秀美的造型、瑩潤的釉色,煥發出迷人的魅力,給人一種一洗鉛華的深蘊的藝術美感。