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溥儒(1896—1963) 貓 Ink and color on paper, mounted. The painting depicts a cat mounted on top of a ridge, above flower blossom, artist colophon, signature and mark Pu Xinyu on top left. Length: 36 1/2 in (92.7 cm) Width: 13 1/4 in (33.7 cm) 款識:一枝花影動,林葉燦如霞。冷豔過霜雪,真宜處士家。心佘。 | 鈐印:舊王孫(朱)、溥儒(白) | 溥儒(1896—1963)原名愛新覺羅.溥儒,初字仲衡,改字心佘,自號羲皇上人﹑西山逸士。北京人,滿族,為清恭親王奕之孫。曾留學德國,篤嗜詩文、書畫,皆有成就。畫工山水、兼擅人物、花卉及書法,與張大千有“南張北溥”之譽,又與吳湖帆並稱“南吳北溥”。