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陳少梅 (1909-1954)秋山靜遠 Ink and color on silk, vertical scroll. The painting depicts mountain and river scenery, consists of mountains, trees, river, and people, artist signature and mark Chen Shaomei on top left. Height: 16 in (40.6 cm) Width: 7 in (17.8 cm) 款識:甲申三月晦少梅寫。 | 鈐印:陳彰(白)、少梅(朱) | 詩堂:秋山靜遠,吳興金城。鈐印:金城私印(白) | 邊跋:集石鼓文以成六言聯,伯逸馬晉觀並書。鈐印:馬晉(白) | 陳少梅(1909-1954),男,漢族,名雲彰,又名雲鶉,號升湖,字少梅,以字行。生於湖南衡山的一個書香之家,自幼隨父學習書畫詩文,深受中國傳統文化的薰陶。