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溥心佘(1896—1963) 山水 Ink and color on paper, vertical scroll. The painting depicts landscape scenery consists of mountains, trees, houses, boats, river, and people, artist colophon, signature and mark Pu Xinyu on top right. Length: 40 in (101.6 cm) Width: 13 in (33.0 cm) 款識:溪山峰巒遠近,煙中漁浦昏黃。隔岸忽來秋雨,石林遮暗斜陽。心畬。 | 鈐印:舊王孫(朱)、溥儒(白) | 溥儒(1896—1963)原名愛新覺羅.溥儒,初字仲衡,改字心佘,自號羲皇上人﹑西山逸士。北京人,滿族,為清恭親王奕之孫。曾留學德國,篤嗜詩文、書畫,皆有成就。畫工山水、兼擅人物、花卉及書法,與張大千有“南張北溥”之譽,又與吳湖帆並稱“南吳北溥”。