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清康熙白釉暗刻龍紋瓶 The vase is of olive form, carved with a flying dragon on the surface, glazed overall in white, bottom bears six character KANGXI reign mark. Height: 9 1/2 in (24.1 cm) 圓口,豐碩挺闊,脛部內收,圈足,胎質堅細潔白,胎體輕薄,近乎脫胎,迎光可透。外壁暗刻雲龍紋,龍躬身翻騰雲中,刻劃清晰流暢。通體施亮白釉,釉色瑩潤光潔,勻淨自然。外底圈足內亦施亮白釉,青花雙圈內書“大清康熙年製”六字雙行楷書款,青花發色淡雅,略有暈散,雙圈顏色較淺,款字書寫工整。