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清早期窯變釉梅瓶 The meiping vase is of tapering form, the body glazed in flambe glaze with infused red and blue color tones, bottom partially glazed. Height: 12 3/16 in (31.0 cm) 瓶為古陶瓷之經典造型,創燒于唐,宋元明清皆有燒造。拍品極具清代梅瓶造型之特點,豐碩挺闊,脛部內收,底處微撇,端莊大氣。通體施窯變釉,釉色間有紅、紫、藍等色,釉面微泛細密小棕眼。口唇因釉料垂流自然顯出一圈牙黃,對比相宜,奇趣盎然,香港暫得樓收藏有與之相似作品,可作參照。