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清乾隆哥釉四聯瓶 The unusual Ge ware consists of four linked small vases, each with tubular form with waisted neck and flared opening, body glazed in celadon-white color tone with crackle patterns, each vase bottom bears one of the four QIANLONG reign mark. Diameter: 13 3/8 in (34.0 cm) 四聯瓶始創于雍正,此器的造型十分獨特,由四支敞口、短頸小瓶的聯合而成,一瓶四口,故稱四聯瓶,為雍正朝所獨創,是清代官窖瓷器的新創造型。四小瓶均通體施仿哥釉,釉質堅致細膩,釉色肥腴瑩潤,開片分明,金絲鐵線交錯,面呈灰青色。口部釉薄處微呈褐色,足際刷鐵黑色釉,乃仿宋哥窯“紫口鐵足”的特徵。釉面潤拙有致,極富質感,其古樸典雅的風格與四小瓶的奇特造型相結合,營造出趣味無窮。底書“乾隆年製”四字篆書款。