尺寸:54.9*44.9*119.1cm 【来源】 1. 前吴彬《十面灵璧图卷》藏家 Tamsen Ann Ziff 旧藏。 南官帽椅成对,榆木所制,用料厚实,外髹黑漆,靠背漆层剥落,露出山峰状木纹,纹理粗粝,表面随纹路起伏,富于变化。 造型稳重大气,全身用方材,独具一格。搭脑两端下弯,突出中间如驼峰形。素面三弯靠背板,上下嵌入搭脑下方及椅盘后大边的槽口。三弯形靠背板木纹生动,花纹喧而不闹,极尽变化之能,色泽温文尔雅,如同是将流沙曲水悬挂其上。 后腿上截以挖烟袋锅的造法连接搭脑两端,向下穿过椅盘成为腿足,一木连做;前腿亦为相同造法。三弯弧形的扶手与前腿鹅脖同样也以挖烟袋锅的造法连接,后端出榫接入后腿上截,中间支以三弯形方材联帮棍,联帮棍上端略收而底部稍放,在弯曲之上增加了微妙的弧度。 椅盘为格角榫攒边框,抹头见透榫,下有双弯穿带支承。四框内缘踩边打眼造软屉,现用旧席是更替品。座面下安壸门式牙子,沿边起阳线,二侧牙板嵌入腿足,底端出榫纳入管脚枨。管脚枨平探出,侧面可看到明显斜下走势,枨中自然磨平,两层探出明榫。二侧枨下及后枨亦透出明榫,地域风格浓厚。 PAIR OF ‘SOUTHERN OFFICIAL-HAT’ ARM CHAIRS 18th Century This pair of ‘southern official hat’ arm chairs is crafted from sturdy elm wood and finished with black lacquer. The backrest's lacquer has worn away, revealing rugged, mountain-like wood grain. The chairs feature a dignified design with square materials, where the armrests curve downwards, highlighting a central hump. The three-arched backrest fits into grooves beneath the armrests, showcasing dynamic grain patterns. The rear legs connect to the armrests using a tobacco pipe technique, extending down to form the legs. The seat is framed with visible tenons, supporting a soft mat, and exhibits a distinctive regional style. Provenance 1. The Tamsen Ann Ziff Collection former owner of Wu Bin's 10 Views of a Rock Masterpiece