尺寸:83.8*173*67cm 【来源】 1. 前吴彬《十面灵璧图卷》藏家 Tamsen Ann Ziff 旧藏。 2. 纽约苏富比,2002年9月19日(拍品206)。 画桌以紫檀木为材,质地坚硬,上浮牛毛纹,又有金星点点,用料颇奢。紫檀因生长缓慢,大材难得,素有“十檀九空”之名。据《古玩指南》说 :“凡可成器者,无不捆载以来。然均粗不盈握、节屈不直,多不适用。”是以自古以来价格昂贵,多为富商巨贾所持。清代皇室十分喜爱紫檀,或用明代遗存,或委派官员采办、进献,大肆搜罗制器,故宫所藏家具便可占世间紫檀家具总量的半壁河山,因此坊间传言紫檀家具多为宫廷所制一说。 造型长方。桌面攒边镶板心,侧面冰盘沿上宽下敛,收窄平压边线。有束腰,束腰内开鱼门洞,洞口边沿起阳线。其下饰线脚,承之以托腮。牙板中部垂洼堂肚,上饰如意云头,云中下翻勾云,两端为两朵小型如意云头,内为上翻勾云。腿足以抱肩榫连接牙板,上腿近牙板处锼成云形角花,一头以线刻画,凸显其形,一头探出,雕镂云廓。牙板与腿足的装饰成为画桌的视觉中心,纤微处现云卷云舒之动势,增添了雅致之意,内外空间巧妙结合,又有阴阳起伏之无穷趣味。 桌下四腿直落,皆为方材,至底出内翻方形回纹马蹄,亦为标准的清代桌案做法。此桌制作于清朝中期,牙板的形式、雕刻的花纹,都反映出清式家具的特征。 ZITAN PAINTING TABLE 18th Century A Zitan painting table of very generous proportion and carved with subtle restraint. The long rectangular top is composed of two wide and finely grained book-matched boards, the waist with narrow beaded and pierced panels--seven on the long sides and three on the short--the apron with ruyi decoration and dotted "C"-shapes. The straight legs of square section have curled cloud-like spandrels and beaded scrolls and end in block feet carved with tight angular scrolls. Provenance 1. The Tamsen Ann Ziff Collection former owner of Wu Bin's 10 Views of a Rock Masterpiece 2. Sotheby's New York, September 19, 2002 (lot 206)