Eden Galleries proudly presents you with an invitation to join us for our 3rd annual summer sale. For our clients who have followed us since our first auction until the present auction we say with grateful hearts thank you for being with us on this incredible journey. For those of you that have just become aware of Eden Fine Antiques Galleries auction we say welcome. Our Gallery has the distinct privilege of bringing more extravagant items to auction this 15th & 16th of July 2017.
For this extraordinary event our consignors have chosen some of their premium items from their private collection to be placed in this upcoming auction. Once again we have the opportunity to offer for your bidding privilege, items from General General Chen Qi's 陳淇, (Chen CangQuan 滄泉) heirloom collections including unpublished, Zhang DaQian 張大千 paintings, Fu BaoShi, Qi BaiShi, Wu ChangShuo, Xu BeiHong and many famous artists, along with hi porcelain collections, that are vastly sought after by museums and private collectors.
It has been disclosed to us that this will be the last offering from the fabulous collections of Buddha's that has been consigned to Eden Fine Antiques Gallery from Earl Sorenson's private collections, is known as a prominent Buddha collector. An International businessman based out of Atlanta, whom trades with various Asian countries during the 1960s.
Similar to our previous auctions the items presented will be of the highest investment quality that the true collector will have a fondness for and will purchase to complement their existing portfolio. For the novice collector, these items are worthy of being placed in high quality museums and are an excellent starting point.
Join with us in this historical event, for Eden Fine Antiques Gallery to be chosen to place these magnificent items into auction, it is truly a honor and a tremendous privilege.
Thank you for registering to bid with EDEN Fine Antiques Galleries.
We are taking measures to ensure that all of our bidders have been verified to maintain the integrity of the auction for all involved. For first time clients/bidders we will required:
1. Deposit amount of USD $2,000; 保证金2,000美金,或由联拍在线代收人民币15,000元; 2. Copy or images of ID card (front and back) or Passport 3. Images of Credit card (front and back). 4. Prove of PAID invoice from other Auction house (if Any).
This deposit will be refunded to the non winning bidders in approx. 7 business days. Winning bidders will have 7 days to make payment in full in order to be released from the verification charge.
It is best to fill out the registration immediately to ensure that you are approved before the auction begins.