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明萬曆 青花雙龍戲珠瓶 The ovoid form vase stands on splayed ring foot, rising to elegant thin neck and evert rim, body depicts flying five-claw dragon over ocean wave and ruyi clouds, below flower blossom, bottom bears six character WANLI reign mark. Ming Dynasty period. Height: 14 1/2 in (36.8 cm) Diameter: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 梅瓶小盤口,長頸,下腹斜收,圈足。通體施白釉,略泛青灰色,釉面光潔。梅瓶以青花裝飾,圖案用雙弦紋作間隔,頸部為三角形蕉葉紋;肩部為花卉紋,寓意福壽吉祥;瓶身主體花紋為繪以雙龍戲珠紋,五爪龍騰空盤旋而上,張牙舞爪,躍於層層朵雲之間,騰雲駕霧;底腹則飾一周青花山石紋帶。整個梅瓶器型修長,雋秀挺拔,青花色澤淡雅,是明萬曆時期之器。雖無款識,製作水準與官窯不相伯仲。