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明宣德 青花纏枝花卉扁壺 The blue and white moon flask shaped hanging vase is of flattened ovoid form on one side, depicts intertwined flowers and vines in roundels on the exterior, two ring shaped handles attached to the sides, reverse unglazed. Ming Dynasty period. Height: 11 in (27.9 cm) Diameter: 9 3/4 in (24.8 cm) 扁壺造型來源於金屬器,因其可倒臥,也稱“臥壺”。此扁壺直口,頸部起棱,側出小系,肩上生兩圓系,扁腹中部凸起繪以花卉法輪紋飾。側面及頸部均繪纏枝花卉紋。壺腹部外緣纏枝花卉紋,內層為錦地花卉紋,中心幾何紋內飾花葉紋。青花發色藍中泛黑,鐵銹斑痕跡明顯,釉色白中微閃青。口沿下橫書“大明宣德年製”六字楷書款,為宣德青花精品之作。