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西藏尊者 The Tibetan gilt bronze figure depicts a Bodhisattva seated on rectangular pedestal, carved on the surface with mythical beasts and patterns, the Bodhisattva wears long robe with etched edges, hands in mudra, eyes open in serene expression, bottom bears vajra mark. Height: 11 in (27.9 cm) Length: 6 3/4 in (17.1 cm) Width: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm) 此尊頭蓄短髮,面龐方正,眉目平直,目視前方,鼻樑高挺,帶有笑意。上身軀體健碩,著袒右肩袈裟,袈裟衣褶層層相疊,富有寫實意趣。左手於腹前結禪定印,右手高舉結說法印,與跋陀羅尊者的傳統形象完全一致。下身被袈裟覆蓋,以盤坐姿態坐於錦墊之上。整像銅質優良,鑄胎厚重,做工規整,量度精准,展現出清代內地藏傳造像的極高藝術水準。