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銅鎏金彌勒菩薩 The cast figure standing with hands in vitarka mudra, the right raised to the chest, the left hand at one side, adorned with jewelry and fluttering scarves, the serene face framed by a jeweled tiara and ribbons, flanked by lotus blossoms supporting a wheel and water flask. The right hand in vitarka mudra and holding a branch of lotus. Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) Provenance:
Auction Sotheby's, Amsterdam, 14 November 1990, lot 495.
Auction AAG, Amsterdam, 31 March 2014, lot 205.
Private collection, Netherlands 頭戴羅發,面方額寬,大耳垂肩,彎眉長目,額間突出有白毫。安靜的雙目半開俯視,面相祥和莊嚴。身著袒右袈裟,薄衣貼體,站姿禪定自然,造型大氣。