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鎏金揮劍手持法論佛像 The gilt bronze figure depicts a Bodhisattva kneeling on double lotus throne, one hand raised to chest level holding ritual vessel, the other holding a sword high, wearing ornate cloth and has serene expression, bottom partially hollow. Height: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Width: 6 in (15.2 cm) 此佛像鎏金,彎眉細目,雙目俯視,神態沉靜。雙腿禪坐,舒坐於蓮花座之上,右手結印於胸前,左手持寶劍,神情自若,開臉精細,是一件難得的精品。蓮花寶座之上,滿身瓔珞,身體扭曲,右手拿法輪放於胸前,左手持寶劍舉過頭頂,開臉精細,造像精緻。