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文殊菩薩坐像 The gilt bronze figure depicts Manjusri Buddha seated on double lotus throne in dhyanasana, hands raised at chest level in mudra, wearing decorative ornaments and lotus flowers on the arms, eyes open in serene expression, bottom bears vajra mark. Height: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm) Width: 6 in (15.2 cm) 此作品為文殊菩說法相像,從簡單的視覺欣賞角度來說,文殊菩薩說法相的形象比例較顯左右對稱。所以藏傳佛教諸多寺院大殿或佛學院主殿正中央,多供奉有此型製文殊菩薩說法相之莊嚴造像。文殊菩薩全跏趺坐於蓮花寶座之上,頭戴五葉花冠,髮髻高聳,半金剛杵頂嚴。耳垂花璫,面相方圓,上身袒露,胸前飾項圈瓔珞,腰系珠寶腰帶,下身著長裙。手腕、臂及小腿部皆有釧飾。花冠、項圈和釧環皆鑲嵌有綠松石,顯得雍容華貴。束腰仰覆式蓮花座,上緣飾一圈精細的連珠紋,蓮花瓣做工精細,飽滿而修長。整體造型大方,體態優美,形象莊嚴,做工講究。