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良渚文化 圓環 The jade carved bangle has a thick band, carved on the exterior with archaic patterns, the jade is of reddish-white color tone with stone veins. Liangzhu Culture period. Height: 1 1/4 in (3.2 cm) Diameter: 2 1/2 in (6.3 cm) 器物玉質為青白玉,全身有褐色沁斑。器體扁平,正圓形。淺浮雕紋飾,彎曲轉。折,排列有序,疏密有致,排列整齊整器形式古樸,去地平整,工藝精良,體量周正,比例協調,線條流暢自然,展現了良渚玉器高超的製作水準,令人愛不釋手。