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良渚文化 玉琮 The archaic jade ornament is of rectangular form on the exterior, with tubular form on the interior, the jade is of celadon and russet color tone with mottled interior and stone veins. Liangzhu Culture period. Height: 2 1/8 in (5.4 cm) Length: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Width: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) 此玉琮器形有著豐富的文化蘊涵,內口為圓形,外壁作方形直柱狀,內圓而外方,象徵“天圓地方”、“天人合一”。拍品以青玉為材,顏色深沉。器身四面以陰線條流暢,刻工簡潔,造型莊重大方,古韻悠然。