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青瓷暗刻牡丹紋瓶 The vase is of ovoid form, impressed on the exterior with flowers and vines against celadon glazed body, bottom unglazed. Height: 8 1/8 in (20.6 cm) Diameter: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) 此瓶雙唇小口,短頸,弧肩,上腹圓鼓,下腹斜內收,最大徑在上腹中部,隱圈足,足牆內壁斜削,整體器形頎長秀美。外壁自肩部以下於胎上以整體刻劃牡丹紋,線條流暢自如,頗具“坐看雲卷雲舒”的閒適與安然。其上罩以青白釉,釉色白中微泛黃。