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青瓷瓜棱形執壺 The ewer has globular body with lobed exterior similar to melon slices, below waisted neck and evert rim attached with slim handle and spout, glazed overall in celadon-white color tone, bottom unglazed. Height: 7 1/8 in (18.1 cm) Width: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm) 此瓷壺身作對稱規整的棱瓜瓣,形似南瓜,敞口,把作輩曲瓔珞狀,圈足為寬圈足。通體施青釉,施釉到底,火石紅圈足。整件器物玲瓏典雅,做工精良一把極其罕見的精品。