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香港 北京时间
2023年06月02日 开拍 / 2023年05月31日 截止委托

Including but not limited to:

1. Ng, Eng Teng. Sculpture. 25 Oct 1972. Catalogue of Exhibition.
2. Vredenbregt, Jacob. Hampatong: The Material Culture of the Dayak of Kalimantan. Jakarta: Penerbit Pt Gramedia, 1981.
3. Le Betel: Inde et Asie du Sud-Est. Musee De L'Homme, 1969. Text printed in French.
4. Coedes, G. The Indianized States of Southeast Asia. Translated by Susan Brown Cowing. Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii, 1968.
5. Godakumbura, C.E. Murals at Tivanka Pilimage. Ceylon Archaeological Department, 1969.
6. Adhyatman, Sumarah and Lammers, Cheng. Martavans in Indonesia. The Ceramic Society of Indonesia, 1984. Second edition.
7. Guy, John. Ceramic Traditions of South-East Asia. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1989.
8. Jose, Regalado Trota. Images of Faith: Religious Ivory Carving from the Philippines. Pacific Asia Museum, 1990.
9. Finot, Louis et al. Le Temple D'Icvarapura. 1926. Text printed in French.
10. Sellato, Bernard. Hornbill and Dragon. Translated by Winarsih Arifin. Elf Aquitaine Indonesie, 1989. Text printed in both English and Indonesian.
11. Lall, Vikram. Architecture of the Buddhist World: The Golden Lands- Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand & Vietnam. Kuala Lumpur: JF Publishing, 2014.
12. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: The Collection and Activities of the Barbier-Mueller Museum 1977-1987. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum, est. 1976.
13. Brown, Roxanna M. The Ceramics of South-East Asia: Their Dating and Identification. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1988. Second Edition.
14. Anderson, Eric Moltzau. In the Shape of Tradition: Indigenous Art of the Northern Philippines. Leiden, The Netherlands: C. Zwartenkot Art Books, 2010.
15. Baldovino, Dick. Joya Drawings. Vera-Reyes, 1973.
16. Brown, Roxanna M. The Ceramics of South-East Asia: Their Dating and Identification. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1977. First Edition.
17. Gittinger, Mattiebelle and Lefferts, H Leedom Jr. Textiles and the Tai Experience in Southeast Asia. Washington D.C.: The Textile Museum, 1992.
18. Capistrano-Baker, Florina H. Art of Island Southeast Asia. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994.
19. Corbey, Raymond. Of Jars and Gongs: Two Keys to Ot Danum Dayak Cosmology. Leiden, The Netherlands: C. Zwartenkot Art Books, 2016.
20. May, San San and Igunma, Jana. Buddhism Illuminated: Manuscript Art from Southeast Asia. London: British Library, 2018.
21. Subhadradis Diskul, M.C. The Art of Srivijaya. Oxford University Press, 1980.
22. Newton, Douglas. Art Styles of the Papuan Gulf. New York: The Museum of Primitive Art, 1961.
23. Fraser-Lu, Sylvia. Handwoven Textiles of South-East Asia. Oxford University Press, 1988.
24. Puranananda, Jane. The Secrets of Southeast Asian Textiles: Myths. Status and the Supernatural. Bangkok: River Books, 2007.
25. Sumichan, Raka and Kayam, Umar. Affandi. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Lestari Budaya, 1987. Text printed in Indonesian.
26. Heppell, Michael et al. Iban Art: Sexual Selection and Severed Heads. Leiden, The Netherlands: C. Zwartenkot Art Books, 2005.
27. Rodger, Susan. Power and Gold: Jewelry From Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines from the Collection of Barbier-Muller Museum Geneva. Geneva: Barbier-Muller Museum, 1985.
28. Brown, Robert L. The Dvaravati Wheels of the Law and the Indianization of South East Asia. Leiden, The Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1996.
29. Scheurleer, Pauline Lunsingh and Klokke, Marijke J. Ancient Indonesian Bronzes: A Catalogue of the Exhibition in the Rjikmuseum Amsterdam with a General Introduction. Leiden, The Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1988.
30. Kam, Garrett. Ramayana in the Arts of Asia. Singapore: Select Books, 2000.
31. Conway, Susan. The Shan: Culture, Art and Crafts. Bangkok: River Books, 2006.
32. Tysmans, Wig. Tabayag: Lime Containers of the Cordilleras. Bencab Art Foundation, 2006.
33. Gatbonton, Esperanza Bunag. A Heritage of Saints: Colonial Santos in the Philippines. Manila: Editorial Associates, 1979.
34. Roces, Alfredo R. Amosolo. Filipinas Foundation, 1975.
35. Gittinger, Mattiebelle. Textiles for this World and Beyond: Treasures from Insular Southeast Asia. London: Scala Publishers, 2005.
36. Lim, Chong Keat. Penang Views 1770-1860. Singapore: Summer Times Publishing, 1986
37. Pourret, Jess G. The Yao: The Mien and Mun Yao in China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. Bangkok, River Books, 2002.
38. Early Views and Maps of Manila and The Philippines 1570-1904. Hong Kong: Wattis Fine Art, 1998. Two copies.
39. Manila and The Philippines c.1540-1900. Hong Kong: Wattis Fine Art, 2001.
40. Sieraden: En Lichaamsversiering Uit Indonesie. Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara, 1984. Text printed in Dutch.
41. Krairiksh, Piriya. The Eternal Image: Sculptures of the Khmer and Thai. Stadt Koln, 1984.
42. Different Styles of Painting in Bali. Est 1970s.
43. Reyes, Elizabeth V. A Guide to the Museo Collection: Museo Ng Buhay Philipino. D.M. Guevara Foundation, 1978.
44. Hutterer, Karl. An Archaeological Picture of a Pre-Spanish Cebuano Community. San Carlos Publications, 1973.
45. Ghiringhelli, Vanna e Mario. Kris the Invincible. BE-MA Editrice, 1991. Text printed in both Italian and English.
46. Frape, Christopher J. Burnished Beauty: The Art of Stone in Early Southeast Asia. Bangkok: Orchid Press, 2000. Text printed in both Chinese and English.
47. Salmony, Alfred. La Sculpture au Siam. Paris: Librairie Nationale d'Art et d'Histoire, 1925. Text printed in French.

The group includes duplicates. 少量書籍有重複。

This lot will be sold as a collection and not subject to return.



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