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香港 北京时间
2023年06月02日 开拍 / 2023年05月31日 截止委托

Box 1:
1. Debreczeny, Karl et al. Faith and Empire: Art and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2019.
2. Henss, Michael. Buddhist Ritual Art of Tibet: A Handbook on Ceremonial Objects and Ritual Furnishings in the Tibetan Temple. Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2020.
3. Genoud, Charles. Buddhist Wall-Painting of Ladakh. Geneve: Edition Olizane, 1982. Translated by Tom Tillemans.
4. Lin, Tung-Kuang. The Gzi Beads of Tibet. The Art of Tibet, 2001. Translated by Brenda Li. Two copies. Postcards Included.
5. Lin, Tung-Kuang. Antique Tibetan Thogchags and Seals. The Art of Tibet, 2003. Translated by Brenda Li.
6. Lin, Tung-Kuang. dZi Beads. The Art of Tibet, 1997.
7. Henss, Michael. The Cultural Monuments of Tibet: The Central Regions, The Southern Tibet Province of Tsang. Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2014. Two volumes.
8. Stoddard, Heather et al. Portraits of the Masters: Bronze Sculptures of the Tibetan Buddhist Lineages. London: Oliver Hoare, 2003.

Box 2:
1. Dipinti Tibetani dal 1400 al 1800. Milan: Galleria Mandala, October 1991. Text printed in Italian.
2. Newman, Robert. Disciples of the Buddha: Living Images of Meditation. New York: Cool Grove Publishing, 2001.
3. Olson, Eleanor. Tibetan Life and Culture. The Newark Museum, 1960.
4. Muller, Claudius C and Raunig, Walter. Der Weg zum Fach der Welt. Innsbruck: Pinguin-Verlag. Text printed in German.
5. LaRocca, Donald J et al. Warriors of the Himalayas: Rediscovering the Arms and Armor of Tibet. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.
6. Jackson, David P. Patron and Painter: Situ Panchen and the Revival of the Encampment Style. Rubin Museum of Art, 2009.
7. Buckley, Chris. Tibetan Furniture: Identifying, Appreciating, Collecting. London: Thames & Hudson, 2005.
8. Reynolds, Valrae. Tibet: A Lost World. New York: The American Federation of Arts, 1978. Two copies.
9. Catalogue of the Tibetan Collection and other Lamaist Articles. The Newark Museum, 1971. Volume 3.
10. Page, John and Page, Serina. The Woven Mystery: Old Tibetan Rugs. London: Jack Fairman (Carpets), est. 1990.
11. Dunham, Carroll and Baker, Ian. Tibet: Reflections from the Wheel of Life. New York: Abbeville Publishing, 1993.
12. Kamansky, David. Wooden Wonders: Tibetan Furniture in Secular and Religious Life. Chicago: Pacific Asia Museum, 2004.
13. Warren, Bill and Rose, Nanci Hoetzlein. Living Tibet: The Dalai Lama in Dharamsala. Ithaca, New York: Snow Lion Publications, 1995.
14. The Museum. The Newark Museu, Spring-Summer 1972. Volume 24, No. 2 and 3 combined.
15. Zwalf, W. Heriatge of Tibet. London: British Museum Pulications, 1981.
16. Griswold, Alexander B et al. The Art of Burma, Korea, Tibet. New York: Crown Publishers, 1964.
17. Thurman, Robert A.F. and Weldon, David. Sacred Symbols: The Ritual Art of Tibet. New York: Sotheby's and Rossi & Rossi, 1999. Two copies.
18. Brauen, Martin et al. Mandala: Sacred Circle in Tibetan Buddhism. Rubin Museum of Art. Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2009.
19. Harris, Clare and Shakya, Tsering. Seeing Lhasa: British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947. Chicago, Serindia Publications, 2003.
20. Aris, Michael. Lamas, Princes, and Brigands: Joseph Rock's Photographs of the Tibetan Borderlands of China. New York: China Institute in America, 1992.
21. Clarke, John. Tibet: Caught in Time. Reading, UK: Garnet Publishing, 1997.
22. Larsson, Lennart Jr. Carpets from China: Xinjiang & Tibet. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1989.
23. Jackson, David P. and Janice A. Tibetan Thangka Painting: Methods & Materials. London: Serindia Publications, 1984.

Box 3:
1. The Ancient Amulets of Tibet Thokcha: A Private Collection of 108 Miniature Masterpieces. San Francisco: Thokcha World. Three copies.
2. Hofer, Theresia. Bodies in Balance: The Art of Tibetan Medicine. Rubin Museum of Art. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014.
3. Jackson, David P. The Nepalese Legacy in Tibetan Painting. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2010.
4. Beringen, John et al. The Art of Silver Jewellery from the Minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet. Milan: Skira Editore, 2006.
5. Waddell, L.A. The Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism. Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons, 1971.
6. Waddell, L. Augustine. Lhasa and Its Mysteries with a Record of the Expedition of 1903-1904. Taipei: Reprinted by Ch'eng Wen Publishing, 1972.
7. National Geographic Vol. 157 No. 2. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society, February 1980.
8. Potala Palace. Managing Bureau of Cultural Relics, Tibetan Autonomous Region. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 1994.
9. Till, Barry and Swart, Paula. Art from the Roof of the World: Tibet. Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1989.
10. A Buddhizmus Muveszette: Tibeti es Mongol Buddhista Tekercskepek. Budapest: Hopp Ferenc Kelet-Azsiai Muveszeti Muzeum, 1995. Text printed in Czech.
11. Paratico, Angelo. The Karma Killers. Bloomington, Indiana: iUniverse, 2009.
12. Harrer, Heinrich. Seven Years in Tibet. Translated by Richard Graves. New York: E.P. Dutton and Company, 1954.
13. Lowry, John. Tibetan Art. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1973.
14. Snellgrove, David and Richardson, Hugh. A Cultural History of Tibet. Boulder, Colorado: Prajna Press, 1968.
15. Tondriau, Julien. Deuxieme Serie de Vingt Rouleaux Peints du Tibet et de l'Himalaya. Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire. Text printed in Belgian.
16. Heller, Amy. Word and Image: Sacred Languages of Tibet. Yale University, 1991.
17. Vira, Raghu. Tibet: A Souvenir. New Delhi: Afro-Asian Convention on Tibet and Against Colonialism in Asia and Africa, 1960.
18. Catalogue of the Tibetan Collection and other Lamaist Articles. The Newark Museum, 1971. Volume 5.
19. Wilkinson, Julia. A Golden Souvenir of Tibet. Hong Kong: The Guidebook Company, 1988.
20. Antique Tibetan Thogchaks. Hong Kong: The Tibetan Gallery, 1998.
21. Thangka Art. New York: Doris Wiener, 1974.
22. Myers, Diana K. Temple, Household, Horseback: Rugs of the Tibetan Plateau. The Textile Museum, est. 1984.
23. Rowell, Galen. The Dalai Lama: My Tibet. University of California Press, 1990.

The group includes duplicates. 少量書籍有重複。

This lot will be sold as a collection and not subject to return.



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