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銅鎏金金剛亥母 The well-cast gilt bronze figure depicts Vajrayogini riding on a galloping deer, one hand holding a curved sword, the other holding a bowl of ritual items, wearing beaded strands, face in ferocious expression, bottom stand with wave patterns on top and vajra symbol on bottom. Height: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm) Width: 8 in (20.3 cm) 金剛亥母即金剛豬頭母,藏文名為多吉帕姆,她是一位女性神祇,其神格較為複雜。在藏傳佛教噶舉派中,她為女性本尊之首,在格魯派中她是三大本尊之一的上樂金剛的明妃。頭側長有一豬首是她重要的身份標誌。此尊佛像手拿法器,,面目猙獰長髮披垂於身後,動感流暢。身下有一鹿坐騎做工精細,造型大氣完美。