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明 釋迦牟尼像 The bronze Shakyamuni Buddha seated on lotus throne pad in dhyanasana, hands in bhumisparsha mudra, wearing robe with elaborate ornaments, eyes closed in serene expression, bottom shows hollow interior. Ming Dynasty period. Height: 8 1/4 in (21.0 cm) 此佛像頭部較大,寬額豐頤,面容沉靜,神態安逸。頂飾螺發,肉髻飾於螺發前部。結跏趺坐,身軀健壯。左手作觸地印,意為降伏群魔,右手結禪定印。身著通肩式袈裟,邊緣鏨刻精美的紋飾。給人雄渾莊嚴之感。