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宋代 鈞窯龍首八方杯 The Jun ware cup is of octagonal form with a dragon mask handle, the body glazed in light turquoise and infused purple patch, covered in crackle patterns, bottom unglazed. Song Dynasty period. Length: 4 in (10.2 cm) Width: 3 1/4 in (8.3 cm) Diameter: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm) 杯八方形,直口,深腹下斂,平底,一側貼龍首小耳。杯體光素,施鈞窯天青釉,色郁清亮勻淨,夾雜著紫紅色斑,外底露紅砂胎。此小杯為綠鈞中的精品之作,造型規整,古韻典雅,釉彩發色穩定明麗。鈞窯初以燒青瓷而成窯,雖後來窯變釉名滿天下,其青瓷依然燒造可比龍泉。