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漢 錯金銀三足鼎 The small censer is of mythical animal form, stands on three legs with head raised and hollow body acting as censer, the exterior gilt in gold and silver, small ring handle on the back. Han Dynasty period. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Length: 6 in (15.2 cm) 此鼎器形作杯、三柱足,底略分襠,而獸面三組。宋至明、清,仿古銅器之風盛而不衰,除了用於家國之宗廟祭器,更有文人用古器作文房器具之風。相較於前者,後者更添世俗之趣味,其中銅鼎多作焚香具之用。此外,錯金的傳統雖已普遍見於東周的銅器,但在明代錯金銀更為流行。但在商、西周,此類銅鼎的獸面是不作錯金銀。此鼎的足部大片錯金的特徵不多見.