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清同治 青花雲龍紋碗 The blue and white bowl depicts two confronting dragons flying amidst flaming clouds chasing after flaming pearl above ocean waves, bottom bears six character TONGZHI reign mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) 青花碗造型如仰鐘,大氣規整,碗身敞口,折腰,腹部斜收,腹底向內平折,下設圈足。碗身胎骨精細,內外施白釉,潔白緻密,均勻平滑,青花發色濃妍泛紫,沉厚濃鬱。碗壁內外沿口及足底均飾兩道弦紋,裡心於雙圈內繪團龍紋,神龍張牙舞爪,扭轉騰挪,穿行於雲電之中,威武生動。外壁繪二龍穿梭於祥雲之中,神龍挺胸揚首,背部作弓形,龍首瞪目齜牙作怒吼之狀,鬚髮飄擺,威嚴兇猛,氣勢淩人,龍身四肢矯健有力,張牙舞爪,穿游於雲海之中。神龍四周所飾祥雲。此對碗胎釉精良,繪製精湛,成對保存,頗為難得。器足內青花書“大清同治年製”楷書款,字體端正清秀。